Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sooooooo tired : FSGS Sucks

I've been doing a little sleep experiment this week, to see if I'd be less tired if I got more sleep.  I'm here to report that it's been an epic fail.  I didn't think it was possible, but I've actually not felt this tired in A LOOOOONG time.  I've been going to bed early...getting around 7-8 hours of sleep a night, which is a HUGE improvement for me.  And I'm freaking exhausted.

I drag my sorry ass outta bed around 7:15am (alarm set for 6:00am) and stumble to the shower.  This, in itself, is a departure from my normal routine.  I used to be a night showerer, mainly so I could get more sleep.  But now, the only way I can wake up enough to drive is to shower in the morning, so that's why I do it now (that and the whole night-sweats :).  I don't even bother to put on mascara because my eyes are so puffy (kidneys or allergies, who knows).  People at work see  my tonsils more than anything because I'm ALWAYS yawning...on the elevators, during meetings, eating lunch...ALWAYS.  I barely remember the drive home.  And when I do get home, I've got to do some manual labor because we're getting new carpet on Saturday.  By 9:00, I'm so tired I can hardly stand it, and I head off to bed (tonight's a little later than normal, but I had a lot of blogging I wanted to do).

I could complain awhile longer, but my fingers are even tired, so I'm going to go to bed.  Now.  Nighty night ;)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Some good news : FSGS Sucks

Remember how I was worried that my work leave wouldn't be approved?  Well, it was APPROVED!  I just got the email notification, and I'm so relieved.  Just wanted to share a little bit of good news instead of bitching all the time :)

Since I've been home : FSGS Sucks

Transplant / Living Donor Info for me (edited)

I wish I would've had this post ready because I had so many people reach out to me after the last one that wanted to share my info.  I&#...