Saturday, March 30, 2013

Freaky eyes

Thursday sucked.  And here's why:

I had cried a lot on Wednesday due to the fact that my kitty cat has gone missing (and no, he's not home yet ).  And when I cry, my eyes freak out and swell up.

This is not only freaky to look at, but it's nearly impossible to really see things clearly.  There's so much extra weight in my eyelids from the water that it makes my eyes feel bizarro, and everything's pretty blurry for awhile.  It take a few hours for gravity to take effect and allow me to venture out in public.  What's weird about this when it happens is that my right eyelid actually raises due to the amount of water that's trapped in there.

I had a lot of things planned for that day..I was going to do newborn photos in the morning, but had to cancel because I couldn't focus my eyes, or really drive, for that matter.  Thankfully we were able to reschedule.  It probably all worked out for the best anyway, as I stayed home and did my 24-hr urine for my clinical trial that started at Mayo the next day.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tired. Tired. But not-so-swollen. weight is swinging the other day.  It started on Monday, and by today, I'm down about 10 pounds for the week.  I tried to start keeping track of everything (weight, food, mood, phase of the moon ;) to see if I could draw any conclusions, but honestly, if I'm feeling better, I forget.  Maybe SOMEDAY I'll come up with a sustainable system.  But I won't be holding my breath.

I had another iron infusion on Monday.  This time, I was able to do it at a local hospital, which worked out  well.  It was a craptastic winter day outside (the best word would be blustery) so a few hours in a warm room with a blankie and some iron is just what this girl ordered.

It looks like coffee, doesn't it?  Too bad it's not :)  I COMPLETELY fell asleep during this infusion.  The last one I had at Mayo was a push, but this was a drip that took around 2 hours, plus another half hour for observation.  No biggie...glad it's done, but I don't feel any different..not worse, but not better either.

I've got the clinical trial infusion that begins this Friday, so it's ANOTHER trip back to Mayo.  Keep your fingers crossed that I get the drug :)

Oh, and more good news.  My "friend" Matt from is GETTING A KIDNEY!!!!  CONGRATULATIONS Matt!!!

Transplant / Living Donor Info for me (edited)

I wish I would've had this post ready because I had so many people reach out to me after the last one that wanted to share my info.  I&#...