Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm not pregnant : FSGS Sucks

And here's proof:

It's funny...well, not really, but I'm pretending.  The last time I took one of these, I was filled with such anticipation...such hope.  Now, it's just a of the things I have to do for my clinical trial.  To think that I may never get to see the plus sign on one of these ever again...THAT'S a hard pill to swallow.

And the damn swelling is back.  Here's a strangely colored (thank you iPhone and bathroom lighting :) photo of my disfigured feet:
Ankles?  What the hell are those???  Oh, and you see those lines on my left ankle area?  Yeah, those are wrinkles that occur because my feet are SOOO FRIGGIN SWOLLEN THAT THEY CREASE WHEN STANDING UP.  Ahem...excuse me why I got that out.  Of course, I'm annoyed, frustrated, and just plain pissed off.  I SERIOUSLY don't want to deal with it this weekend.  We've got a party to go to on Saturday that we go to EVERY year, and it's supposed to be a thousand degrees...ok, maybe 95, but after 90, does it really make a difference?  Sooo...I've got swollen feet, hot weather, and just plain irritability working for me right now.  Argh.

1 comment:

Transplant / Living Donor Info for me (edited)

I wish I would've had this post ready because I had so many people reach out to me after the last one that wanted to share my info.  I...