Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A tiny little victory : FSGS Sucks

So I was listening to my Manic Mommies podcast yesterday, and one of the ladies was talking about how she wasn't getting enough "me" time.  I've heard it before, but for some reason I took it more to heart today.

I used to go to hot vinyasa yoga every week...that is until, oh, around the time I started this blog.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE yoga, but haven't been back in a while because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do the 2nd half of the practice;  it requires a lot of manipulation of your feet/ankles, and we all know how IMPOSSIBLE that is for me right now.  But today, I decided to say "Screw it".  I haven't slept well the past 2 nights, and I just had an anxious feeling about me all day.  I knew that the only way to change this course was to get some exercise.

And I'm SOOOO glad I went.  Granted, Amanda (my yoga instructor) took it easy on us since she's been on a 2 week hiatus herself :), but it felt so GOOD to get my body moving again.  Yes, I couldn't do everything, at least not the way I did before, but it all came back a lot easier than I had imagined.  My muscles were tight, for sure, but at the end things had loosened up nicely, and I was still able to easily get into a headstand (now if I could just stay in that position to let gravity take effect on my legs!  :)

It just felt like a tiny little victory for me today...a tiny little victory against my own laziness and FSGS.  I've become so complacent about how I am physically that I think I've given up putting any effort in to exercising again, but not, I'm giving this disease the ol' middle finger :)


  1. Hi,

    Love the blog. I had FSGS, diagnosed around age 11. I went through middle school and high school with all of the swelling and prednisone episodes. At age 19 I had a kidney transplant and at age 30, just last year I had another kidney transplant. Don't let that scare you though, my story is weird.

    Just wanted to say that I had been where you are plus a good bit further and life is still good. It is not all doom and gloom for the future.

    Feel free to find me on Facebook under
    Sarah Wells Farrar or e-mail me

  2. Great news indeed! I feel so much better after a big hike or a faux-run. I've never had the attention span for yoga, but it's worked wonders for lots of folks!

  3. That's awesome. My yoga instructors always say that it takes the strongest yogi to realize when they need to stop or take a break. The hardest part about yoga is the mental part, not the physical. And hey, if you can still do a headstand, you're doing better than most. I hope you can continue to go to yoga!


Transplant / Living Donor Info for me (edited)

I wish I would've had this post ready because I had so many people reach out to me after the last one that wanted to share my info.  I...