Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Work travel ain't all it's cracked up to be : FSGS Sucks

This week is hectic. On Monday, I had a sales planning meeting for 7 hours. On Tuesday morning, my co-worker and I drove to Brookings, SD for a meeting in the afternoon, and then spent the night there. This morning, we headed back to Minneapolis, which gave me just enough time to go home, change clothes and head to the airport to fly to Detroit today. I'm sitting at O'Hare waiting for my final flight, and I'm soooo ready to be done today.

I put on some compression stockings for the flight because my legs have been uber swollen, so I figured it couldn't hurt. However, they bunch up a lot right behind my knee, so it's a bit uncomfortable. Plus, my feet feel like they're in some sort of binding. Hopefully this will all be worth it tonight when I finally get to my hotel and can take them off. Sweet relief is only 4 hours away......

Monday, September 24, 2012

All-Star : FSGS Sucks

I got an email from the NKF the other day, telling me that I'm $300 away from being an NKF Kidney Walk All-Star.  Now this may not be a big deal to other's, but it's HUGE for me.  I cannot change the course of my future all that much.  The ONLY thing I can do is to raise awareness and money.

I raise awareness by posting on this blog, by posting on Facebook, and by the FSGS and Pregnancy group on Facebook

I raise money by walking.  And I need you're help to meet the goal I've set for myself.  The last few years I've raised well over $2000, but this year I haven't even hit $1,000 yet.  I knew it would be harder this year, as I didn't have Lilly people to harass :), but I didn't think that $1,000 was impossible to achieve.  Now I'm starting to get worried.

Here's the link to my donation site.  Will you please take a moment to donate if you haven't?  Or if you have, can you share the link with friends?  I'd really appreciate it.  Thanks!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

First sickie of the season : FSGS Sucks

For the past few days I felt that something was "off".  My eyes and legs were puffier than normal, and I was just getting sloooooowwwww.  And then I woke up Saturday morning and felt like I had swallowed sand, which eventually progressed to razor blades.  Awesome.  LOVE daycare.

I knew it was coming...Izzy's been a little snotball all week, so I'm amazed I made it this long.  We probably did a SUPER stupid thing yesterday, though.  I was feeling, well, awful, but we needed to go shopping for Izzy to get her some warmer clothes and boots.  Izzy was a trooper, but even I was exhausted at the end of the day.  To reward her for being good, we let her go to the place where all germs gather for a parade....the all play area.  Oh yes, my friends, we braved the screaming, snotty, bare-footed kids in order to give Izzy a few moments of bliss in a rather boring day for her.  Once we sat down, I looked at Joacim and told him that this was probably a REALLY stupid idea, and then we convinced Izzy that she had to go to the bathroom, which luckily was upstairs and far away from said germ box. :)  Bad parenting moment?  No...I say utter GENIOUS!

Anyway..funny little aside. I took some cold medicine in the morning before we left to go shopping.  As the day went on, I just felt more and more tired and wiped out.  I was all pissed off, talking about how tired I was of being so damn tired...ranting all day and just generally grouchy.  Then I got home and realized I took the nighttime cold medicine.  And that I'm an idiot.  I blame the drugs.

Transplant / Living Donor Info for me (edited)

I wish I would've had this post ready because I had so many people reach out to me after the last one that wanted to share my info.  I&#...